Ieva Pranskute


Ieva Pranskutė is not only a classically trained violinist but also an artist whose passion for music burns brighter than ever. Her classical training forms the foundation of her remarkable journey, but it is her unwavering dedication and fervor for music that truly set her apart. Throughout her career, Ieva's boundless passion has illuminated her performances, making her a captivating and inspirational figure in the world of music.



Ieva Pranskutė joined the Grammy award winning Kremerata Baltica, a chamber orchestra of musicians from the Baltic states led by the famous violinist Gidon Kremer since 2012. While touring in some of the most prestiges halls in the world, she has played with G. Kremer himself as well as other famous artists, such as Mischa Maisky, Martha Argerich, Gábor Boldoczki, Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla, Andrei Korobeinikov, Heinrich Schiff, Sergei Nakariakov, M. W. Pletnev, Yulianna Avdeeva and others.

Ieva Pranskutė was born in Vilnius, Lithuania. Being just 6 years old she already played her solo debut with the Lithuanian chamber orchestra. As a soloist she has performed concertos with the Kaunas Symphony Orchestra, Christopher Chamber Orchestra, Junge Philharmonie Wien etc.

In addition to Ieva’s impressive career achievements and performances, Ieva Pranskutė is also a prolific content creator. Her musical journey includes collaborations with renowned brands like Larsen strings and Gewa strings.

Pranskutė is a prize winner of various international competitions (e.g. “Olympo Musicale”, the International Competition of Saulius Sondeckis, “Pavasario Sonata”). Together with cellist Mislav Brajković she won “Kodály Award” for an outstanding performance of Duo, op. 7, at the ISA Prague-Vienna-Budapest festival. Together with Xylos trio members Ieva has won Fidelio competition in Vienna.

Among many concert activities Ieva is cooperating with other artists. She had performed in India, Belgium, Estonia, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Costa Rica, Croatia, Hungary and Lithuania.

Ieva Pranskutė has taken up studies in Vienna, Austria in the class of Pavel Vernikov at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna and in the class of Johannes Meissl member of the Artis-Quartett at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna , where she also graduated. She was a visiting student at the Lyon CNSMD (National Conservatory of Music and Dance in Lyon, France) in the class of Marianne Piketty.

Ieva is often invited to be a concertmaster in the different projects. Her performances have been broadcast on ORF, Ö1 in Austria and National Radio Television of Lithuania.

She has worked with such composers as K. Penderecki, F. Cerha etc.

As an enthusiastic chamber musician Ieva participated in the international festivals of classical music, such as “MUSIQUE AUX QUATRES HORIZONS” in France, “Wien Modern”, “Steirisches Kammermusik Festival”, “ISA Festival” in Austria, “Holland Music Sessions” in the Netherlands, “Accademia e Festival Internazionale di Musica di Cagliari” in Italy, “Academie-villecroze” in France, “National Young String Quartet Weekend” in UK, European Parliament in Brussel and in the famous Wigmore Hall in London. She has cooperated with such artists as Vilmos Szabadi, Lieke te Winkel, Marianne Piketty, Jan Talich, Romain Garioud, Lars Anders Tomter, Markus Schirmer, André Cazalet, Mislav Brajković.

Since 2014 Ieva Pranskutė has been a member of the Doreen Quartet participating in various projects, master classes and playing in prestigious Austrian concert halls, such as Wiener Konzerthaus, Wiener Musikverein, F. Schubert Geburthous, A. Schönberg Center, Austrian National library, Altes Rathaus. Ieva has played solo in Vienna Hofburg “FESTAKT GEGEN GEWALT UND RASSISMUS” event.

Ieva Pranskutė won the contest to become an artist of the British music organization Live Music Now, established by the legendary violinist and conductor Yehudi Menuhin.

She has been participating in diverse music projects as a soloist and chamber musician since her early age. Not only has she played with the Lithuanian chamber orchestra and other orchestras in Lithuania, but has also worked with many world-famous masters such as professors of violin Igor Ozim, Shmuel Ashkenazi, Stephan Picard, Sergei Malov, Petru Munteanu, Sergei Krylov, Tanja Becker-Bender, Dora Schwarzberg and Vadim Gluzman as well as cellists Heinrich Schiff, Reinhard Latzko and Chu Yi-Bing.

As an active violinist performing in Austria, Ieva Pranskutė has received special acknowledgment from the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Vienna for promoting Lithuanian culture internationally. Ieva has also received acknowledgements from the President of Lithuania for international awards and achievements.


The true beauty of music is that it connects people. It carries a message, and we, the musicians, are the messengers.

- Roy Ayers



Violin Solo

J. S. Bach

Violin Sonata No. 1 in G minor, BWV 1001

Violin Partita No. 1  in B minor, BWV 1002

Violin Partita No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1004

Violin Partita No. 3  in E major BWV 1006

V. Barkauskas

Partita for violin solo

N. Paganini

24 Caprices for Violin Solo, Op. 1

No. 2, No. 5, No. 9, No. 10, No. 13, No. 14, No. 15, No. 16, No. 17, No. 18, No. 19, No. 20, No. 22, No. 23, No. 24

A. Šenderovas

Cantus im memoriam Jasha Heifetz for Violin solo

E. Ysaye

Sonata for Violin Solo No. 2 in A minor, Op. 27

Sonata for Violin Solo No. 3 in D minor “Ballade”, Op. 27



Concertos with Orchestra

J. S. Bach

Double Violin Concerto in D minor, BWV 1043

J. Brahms

Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 77

M. Bruch

Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor, Op. 26

A. Dvorak

Concerto in A minor, Op. 53

F. Mendelssohn

Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64

W. A. Mozart

Violin Concerto No. 2 in D major, K. 211

Violin Concerto No. 3 in G major, “Strassburg”, K. 216

Violin Concerto No. 4 in D major, K. 218

Violin Concerto No. 5 in A major, “Turkish”, K. 219

S. Prokofiev

Violin Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Op. 63

J. Sibelius

Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47

P. I. Tchaikovsky

Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 35J



Works for violin&piano

B. Bartok

Romanian Dances for Violin and Piano

L. van Beethoven

Sonata for piano and violin No. 1 in D major, Op. 12

Sonata for piano and violin “Spring” No. 5 in F major, Op. 24 

Sonata for piano and violin No. 7 in C minor, Op. 30

Sonata for piano and violin No. 10 in G major, Op. 96

Romance No. 2 in F major, Op. 50

J. Brahms 

Sonata for violin and piano No. 2 in A major, Op. 100

Sonata for violin and piano No. 3 in D minor, Op. 108 

F- A- E Sonata, Sonatensatz “Scherzo” for Violin and Piano in C minor

E. Chausson

Poème, Op. 25

C. Debussy

Sonata for violin and piano in G minor, L. 148

M. de Falla

Danse Espagnole

C. Franck

Sonata for violin and piano in A major

L. Janáček

Sonata for violin and piano

F. Kreisler

Old Viennese Dances “Liebesleid” & “Liebesfreud”

W. A. Mozart

Violin Sonata No. 18 in G major, K. 301/293a

Violin Sonata No. 21 in E minor, K. 304/300c

Rondo in C major, K. 373

N. Paganini

Cantabile in D major, Op. 17

F. Poulenc

Sonata for violin and piano, FP. 119

M. Ravel

Sonata for violin and piano, M. 77


C. Saint-Saëns

Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, Op. 28

Havanaise, Op. 83

P. de Sarasate

Zapateado From Spanish Dances, Op. 23

A. Schnittke

Sonata for violin and piano No. 1

F. Schubert

Violin Sonata No. 1 in D major, D. 408

Fantasie for violin and piano in C major, D. 934

R. Strauss

Sonata for violin and piano, Op. 18

P. I. Tchaikovsky

Valse Scherzo in C major, Op. 34

Souvenir d'un lieu cher (Memory of a dear place), Op. 42 

H. Wieniawski

Polonaise Brillante No. 1 in D major, Op. 4

Polonaise Brillante No. 2 in A major, Op. 21



Chamber Music

J. Brahms

Piano Trio in B major No. 1, Op. 8

Piano Quintet in F minor, Op. 34

E. Chausson

Piano Trio in G minor, Op. 3

E. Dohnányi

Piano Quintet No. 1, Op. 1

A. Dvorak

String Quartet No. 12 in F major, Op. 96

G. F. Händel/J. Halvorsen

Passacaglia for Violin and Cello

J. Haydn

Piano Trio in C major, Hob. XV: 27

Piano Trio No. 39 in G major “Gypsy” Hob. XV: 25

String Quartet in C major, Op. 20 No. 2

String Quartet F minor, Op. 20 No. 5

Z. Kodaly

Duo for Violin and Cello, Op. 7

B. Martinu

Duo for Violin and Cello, H. 157

F. Mendelssohn

String Quartet No. 2 in A minor, Op. 13

W. A. Mozart

Piano Quartet in G minor No. 1, K. 478

Quintet for Clarinet and String Quartet in A major, K. 581

String Quintet in G minor, K. 516

D. Pejačević

Piano Trio in C major, Op. 29

String Quartet in D minor, Op. 25

S. Rachmaninoff

String Quartet No. 2

M. Ravel

String Quartet in F major

D. Schostakovich

Piano Trio No. 2, Op. 67

String Quartet No. 8, Op. 110

String Quartet No. 10, Op. 118

Two pieces for String Octet “Prelude & Scherzo”

F. Schubert

Piano Trio No. 1 in B-flat major, D. 898

String Quartet No. 14 “Death and the Maiden”, D. 810

“Quartettsatz” D. 703

“Notturno” for piano trio in E-flat major, Op. 148, D. 897

String Quintet in C major Op. 163, D. 956

R. Schumann

String Quartet A major, Op. 41

Piano Quartet, Op. 47

J. Svendsen 

String Octet, Op. 3

G. Verdi

String Quartet in E minor


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Aljosja Classical Talent

Joeri Aljosja Bagaya

+31 6 159 46 454

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